Join us to elect a Fraser Valley Regional Representative and Regional Committee!
The Regional Committee is responsible to promote the objectives of the Green Party of British Columbia between and during elections to ensure the Party’s success in general provincial elections and by-elections; help local members form and maintain Constituency Associations; and be knowledgeable of and inform the Constituency Associations about all election law, requirements and procedures.
Click here to learn more about the Regional Committee candidates
Click here to download the nomination form
If you would like to run for a position on the Fraser Valley Regional Committee, please submit a completed nomination form to Victoria Cross at [email protected] by Friday, July 12th at midnight. Nominations received after this date will not be considered.
The meeting will be called to order at 1pm followed by 1 hour of voting. You many vote at any time between 1 pm and 2 pm. Voting will end at 2pm. At that time, votes will be counted. Successful nominees will be contacted by phone and the results will be posted online the following day.
Those seeking new memberships must become a member by Saturday, July 6th in order to be eligible to vote at the Regional meeting.
Those individuals entitled to nominate, propose motions, and vote at a Regional nomination or general meeting shall be only those Members who:
a) were accepted as Members at least 14 days prior to the meeting;
b) are 14 years of age or older;
c) are Members in good standing; and
d) are residents of the Region in which they are voting
Members not in good standing may pay their annual fee at a general meeting and regain their good standing for the purposes of that meeting. Each Member is entitled to one vote. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
Executive positions:
Regional Representative/chair:
The Regional Representative must drive organization and activities by leading and liaise between Provincial Council and regional organizations. The Regional Representative presides over meetings of the Regional Committee and is responsible for the affairs and administration of the Regional Committee. The Regional Representative is the region’s representative on the Provincial Council.
The duties of the Regional Representative include, but are not limited to:
a) act as chair and convene meetings of the Regional Committee;
b) ensure that officers of the Regional Committee carry out the duties which they are mandated to carry out under the rules and bylaws of the Party; and
c) maintain, update and regularly circulate a timeline of Regional Committee activities including, but not limited to, newsletter publication dates, fundraising letter mailing dates, Regional Committee meeting dates and general meeting dates
d) seek direction from and represent the views of their Regional Committee on Provincial Council;
e) keep their Regional Committee abreast of happenings at Provincial Council;
f) ensure that all Constituency Associations in their Region comply with legislation governing their financial reporting;
g) forward notices and minutes of meetings of their Regional Committee to the Secretary; and
h) serve on Committees of Provincial Council, as time permits
Deputy Representative/Chair:
The Regional Deputy Chair assists, at the direction from the Regional Representative, in carrying out the duties of the Regional Representative; and act as Regional Representative in the absence of the Regional Representative or if the Regional Representative resigns.
The Regional Committee Secretary is responsible to keep a record of all proceedings of the meetings of the Regional Committee. The Party Secretary is also responsible to keep a register of all EDA General Meetings and to lead in administrative tasks.
The duties of the Secretary include, but are not limited to:
a) ensure the custody of minutes of all meetings of the Regional Committee and ensure their availability or distribution to all Constituency Associations, Regional Committees and Provincial Council Committees;
b) ensure the custody of all records and documents of the Regional Committee except those required to be kept by the Regional Treasurer;
c) maintain a list of Regional Committee members; and
d) issue notices of meetings convened by the Chair.
e) In the absence of the Secretary from a Regional Committee meeting, the Regional Councillors shall choose one of the Officers present at that meeting to act as Secretary at that meeting.
Treasurer (appointed):
The Regional Treasurer shall work with the Regional Committee and Constituency Association or Organization to assist in and inform the Regional Committee of financial administration. The Regional Committee must not accept donations or establish a bank account. All financial administration necessary for the operation of a Regional Committee shall be delegated to a Constituency Association or Organization within the Region.
Communications Chair:
The Regional Communications Chair shall co-ordinate communication from the Regional Committee to members and lead in keeping members abreast of regional activities. The Regional Committee also co-ordinates with the Provincial Communication Committee
The duties of the Communications Chair include, but are not limited to:
a) produce, edit, and co-ordinate the distribution of Regional Committee’s communication;
b) With the provincial communication chair, co-ordinate the Regional Committee website.
c) co-ordinate the writing and dissemination of press releases;
d) arrange press conferences and media events when directed by the Leader, Party Chair or Deputy Leader;
e) develop a media strategy in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader, Provincial Council and provincial communications chair;
f) ensure the maintenance of a file of news clipping of articles about the Green Party.
Events Chair (organizing):
The Regional Event Chair provides direction and leadership in order to attain goals through events while representing the Green Party of British Columbia. The Regional Events Chair leads in planning, publicizing, staffing and staging these events.
The duties of the Events Chair include, but are not limited to:
a) seek out existing events and organize participation of the Green Party in the event;
b) organize events and socials on behalf of the Regional Committee;
c) recruit and manage volunteers for events;
d) develop and implement events to increase Party membership in co-operation with local Constituency Associations.
Outreach Chair (building relationships):
The Regional Outreach Chair is responsible to build relationships with external organizations, businesses and individuals including other Green political and non-political organizations. The Regional Outreach Chair must represent the Green Party of British Columbia in a professional and friendly manner and be comfortable interacting with people.
The duties of the Outreach Chair include, but are not limited to:
a) Liaise and maintain a positive relationship with, and provide information about the Green Party of BC to:
i. Community leaders and organizations
ii. Local businesses
iii. Other Green organizations, including the Green Party of Canada, its riding associations and directors; recognized municipal green groups within British Columbia; and other Green Parties outside of British Columbia
b) Keep a list and contact information about external contacts for use by the Party.
The Regional Membership Chair is responsible to organize drives for new members and membership renewals. The Regional Membership Chair is also responsible to keep a register of all CA Executives.
The duties of the Membership Chair include, but are not limited to:
a) develop, implement and maintain programs to increase Party membership in co-operation with the Membership Committee and Constituency Associations;
b) ensure that new members are welcomed and invited to participate
c) ensure that incoming memberships and donations are duly and quickly directed to the Party or appropriate CA;
d) Ensure that Constituency Associations send in memberships and renewals to the Provincial Office on a regular basis;
e) protect the confidentiality of members and, except where information must be disclosed under the Elections Act, the confidentiality of donors.
The Regional Policy Chair is responsible to coordinate the development of policy. The Regional Policy Chair is responsible to organize and record the results of all policy workshops, plenary sessions of the Regional Committee and special policy conferences and report policy resolutions to the Regional Committee and the Provincial Policy Committee.
The duties of the Policy Chair include, but are not limited to:
a) liaise between the provincial policy committee and the regional committees and members;
b) gather and keep research files with background information relevant to party policy.
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
33775 Essendene Ave
Abbotsford, BC V2S 2H1
Google map and directions
Protecting your health
BC Greens recognize that airborne illnesses and pollutants pose a significant health risk to everyone, especially the young, elderly, and immunocompromised, while caregivers, healthcare professionals, and support staff come into regular contact with vulnerable persons. When choosing venues, BC Greens prioritize outdoor spaces, and indoor spaces with good ventilation. In closed indoor spaces, we encourage attendees to wear well-fitting masks (N95, KN95, or KF94), especially during the respiratory-illness season.
Creating safe spaces
The BC Green Party is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully and have equal speaking opportunities. To support this commitment, all event attendees will be expected to follow the standards of our Safe Spaces Participant's Guide.