I have been involved with the Green Party Saanich Gulf Islands since 2011 and on the board for Saanich Gulf Islands EDA, in the role of financial agent since 2013. I was also active in Saanich North and the Islands during the 2013 campaign. I am passionate about climate change, environmental protection and the well being of our residents. I support the BC Green Party values and policies.
I grew up in Calgary Alberta and graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and then a CA. I moved to Victoria to escape a career in the oil industry, and pursued my career in the provincial government and the non-profit sector. I worked in the ministry of Environment for 10 years, giving me some exposure to the issues and responsibilities. I was the manager of finance for 7 years, and on projects for 3 years.
I continued my financial management career with various organizations including the Victoria school district, Victoria Hospital Foundation, Cool Aid Society. I served on the Central Saanich Police Board as a community representative for 4 years.
During the past 6 years, I’ve been able to pursue my interests and passion by playing a supportive role to our Green MP, and in Saanich North and the Islands. I’m really interested in using my skills in the growth and development of the BC Green Party.
Thank you,
Sharon Forrester
Skills and experience
- Professional Accountant - CA/CPA (retired)
- Board experience over 7 years and several boards – SGI electoral district, Police board, non profit society
- Management experience in senior positions
- Work experience in multiple sectors including environmental, education and health
Green Party:
- Over 6 years of volunteering
- Governance role on board