Do you want us to delete all of your info? We're sorry to hear that, but happy to do so if we are able.
If you've donated before, we cannot completely delete profiles with past donations. We can delete as much info from it as possible, but we must retain names, home addresses and donation records.
Warning: If we delete your profile, we also delete all of your contact preferences and past contact history. If any of your info is able to find it's way back into our system (maybe you change your mind, perhaps another user or volunteer makes a typo, or someone enters it without your knowledge) we will have no record of your past preferences or communications. We do our best to limit situations where your data may be involuntarily entered, but cannot guarantee your info will never find its way into our database again. We can only guarantee that what exists in the system now will be removed. The best way to ensure we continue to respect your contact preferences is to retain your profile, and update your communication preferences to opt-out of all contact.
By submitting this form, you consent to the BC Green Party retaining your personal information for party activities as outlined in the BC Green Party Privacy Policy. You may withdraw this consent at any time by contacting the party at 1-888-473-3686 or [email protected].