- No point in voting.
- Government is difficult to access, slow moving, no real change
- Politics is a joke:
- Full of old white men that don’t listen
- Dominated by a different generation — youth don’t feel included or like their voices are heard and therefore don’t feel connected
- Government is made up of established elites
- For older, more experienced people
- Apathy, helplessness, disconnect and disenfranchisement:
- My vote makes no difference
- Politicians focused on election cycle, not long term issues facing youth.
- Most candidates are older. Issues do not affect them in the same way that younger people will be impacted
- Different priorities
- Politics is too competitive — “ I shouldn’t get involved.”
- Unique challenges for youth in rural BC to get involved.
- Ex. Lack of gathering places, physical distance, lack of transit, alienation from urban centre.
- Youth don’t understand politics
- Include civics in the K-12 curriculum
- Educate students so they know how their votes works
- Volunteers hours high school students
- Update obsolete curriculum and engage youth in curriculum development
Directly Support youth involvement:
- Create or facilitate a youth shadow committee that works with the party, MLAs and candidates to champion youth/progressive policy
- Financial support such as bursaries, grants, contests
- Sponsor a youth summit
- Develop a youth mentorship program
Change the voting environment:
- Lower the voting age to 16
- Make voting day a party
- Making voting fun
- Support youth candidates
- Make voting more accessible for youth
- Online voting
Engage through existing youth friendly media and events:
- Support youth led climate strikes
- Work with existing young influencers
- Documentary audiences ex. Chasing Ice
- Instagram for content and friends
- Facebook for events and contact list
- Piggyback on existing events
- Friends groups
- Outdoor activities
- Faith groups concerned with climate change
- Bike rides
- Flash mobs
Make politics more mainstream for youth:
- More youth role models
- Politics in daily life, find politics in everything
- Encourage youth groups, promote events with sign up for group activities
- Coach youth to overcome the fear of speaking out
- Promote leading together and breakdown traditional establishment divisions
- Walk the talk and gain credibility with youth
Develop youth focused policy:
- Having youth involved in development and incorporate youth values as an objective
- Have a youth policy team
The current BC Greens policy document does not mention youth specifically. Add policy areas of specific interest to youth such as:
- Education/ education choices (types of education/trades)
- Affordability accessibility
- Technology/AI/ Automation
- Privacy
- Impact of climate change on future generations
- Shadow caucus for youth
- Involve youth in curriculum development
- Courses on politics and social issues in schools
- Improve youth access to policy discussions through use of apps for example