Investment in public infrastructure will positively impact the economic, social, and environmental well-being of both current and future generations. It is time to prioritize a people-first approach and focus on developing healthier and more accessible communities, supporting small businesses, and ensuring transparent disclosure of government spending. We must strongly advocate for creating liveable, sustainable, affordable, and vibrant communities.
The BC Greens' plan for Community Support & Planning
In partnership with local governments, we must aim to create more liveable, sustainable, and vibrant cities. Our government must support the development of more walkable neighbourhoods, healthier community design, and increased funding for essential community projects and resources such as bike lanes, parks, arts centres, and recreational facilities.
In every community, there are people who have worked hard to build businesses that employ our friends and neighbours, bring vibrancy to our streets, and benefit surrounding areas. However, BC business owners live with constant uncertainty, and the 2023 Budget did not offer support for these pressures.
It is crucial to raise the Employer Health Tax exemption to provide much-needed financial relief to small businesses. We must advocate for these businesses by implementing policies that promote their resilience and enrich our economy.
British Columbians deserve to know how their money is being spent through transparent government financial accounting. Transparent accounting fosters a sense of pride and trust in leadership among citizens, and ensures that the government stays accountable for its spending.