Christina Winter: February Volunteer Appreciation Meetup

We're ready to have some fun and donate to good causes at this month's volunteer appreciation event. Christina will be hosting us at her home for an evening of board games, refreshments, and generosity.

This month we're holding a gently used clothing swap and donation drive. Drop by with anything from your closet that needs a new home – and take a look at what's on the table. Items that aren't traded will be donated to a local charity.

We also encourage you to bring any spare re-usable grocery bags you have for donation. The Shelbourne Community Kitchen has let us know that they can use more. We'd love to help them out.

Even if you don't have items to donate, please come by! Refreshments and games will be provided.


RSVP here!

Thu. Feb 29, 2024
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Christina Winter's Home 2411 Wark Street, Victoria
2411 Wark St
Victoria, BC V8T 4G5
Google map and directions

Protecting your health

BC Greens recognize that airborne illnesses and pollutants pose a significant health risk to everyone, especially the young, elderly, and immunocompromised, while caregivers, healthcare professionals, and support staff come into regular contact with vulnerable persons. When choosing venues, BC Greens prioritize outdoor spaces, and indoor spaces with good ventilation. In closed indoor spaces, we encourage attendees to wear well-fitting masks (N95, KN95, or KF94), especially during the respiratory-illness season.

Creating safe spaces

The BC Green Party is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully and have equal speaking opportunities. To support this commitment, all event attendees will be expected to follow the standards of our Safe Spaces Participant's Guide.

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