Christina Winter has a long background in customer and client services. Whether it’s her work at a clinic, helping clients to access healthcare and navigate insurance or at a constituency office, helping constituents obtain services from the provincial government, Christina helps people navigate complex situations with compassion and care.
Christina has also worked across a broad range of businesses helping to keep them running. She’s done bookkeeping, created an online store, supervised retail teams, and planned events.
Christina started studying political science at Camosun, aiming to work in Europe on economic and social issues in a progressive environment. That changed when she attended a public policy lecture by Elizabeth May and was inspired. For the first time she heard a Canadian politician speaking about community service in a respectful and democratic way. Elizabeth May’s successful election inspired Christina to get actively involved in Canadian politics. Christina graduated with a bachelors degree in Political Science and History.
She has worked as a political organizer, campaigning at all levels of government. Christina has focussed on getting involved in the on-the-ground work of electing Greens through our democratic system. She has often expressed that speaking directly to constituents is her favourite part of any campaign. Christina is particularly proud of her work in electing Sonia Furstenau as leader of the BC Greens and re-electing her to serve Cowichan Valley.
Christina enjoys giving back to her community at music festivals and cultural events. She’s volunteered to help at the door, serve drinks, and get events setup and torn down. She loves to see people having fun in their community.