Chris Markevich

For Councillor-at-large


I am running for Provincial Council because I want to make a difference. I come to the BC Greens as a disaffected socialist eager to leave a lasting legacy in this province. I was involved heavily with the NDP in Ottawa and then in BC for nearly 10 years. I worked on Parliament Hill, at the federal headquarters, and volunteered on half a dozen election campaigns provincially, federally and municipally. The latter involved the first ever LGBTQ councilor elected to Ottawa's city council in Catherine McKenney, who was parliamentary assistants to both Paul Dewar and Ed Broadbent.

After I came back to BC, I wanted to do even more and found myself taking on greater responsibility. After serving as President of the North Island EDA executive, I was one of the Site C signatories. The Wet'su'weten raids, the floods, the cancelling of Autism funding, etc caused me to feel a disconnect with the BC NDP and I am hoping to find my alignment with the BC Greens.

I care deeply about our planet, fighting climate change, seeking social justice, and equity for all living beings. Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, living in harmony with plants and animals, and caring about those less fortunate are very important to me.

I firmly believe that we can do more for British Columbians, whether that means funding for schools, hospitals, social programs, or a guaranteed livable basic income. If we can spend billions of dollars a year on fossil fuels or war, we can do the same for our social safety net.

I have experience helping a number of candidates get elected, and I want to use my proven track record to get more BC Greens elected. I look forward to connecting with all of you soon, and I welcome any and all questions you may have!


Chris has over 10 years of experience in digital communications, database administration and voter contact organizing. He has participated in political campaigns at the federal, provincial and municipal levels, and has also served on the executives of various non-profit organizations, including the Douglas-Coldwell-Layton Foundation and the North Island Pride Society.

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