Essential for our Democracy

I am so hopeful since the NDP/Green coalition was formed, a bill like this would never have been introduced if the Liberals were still in power. If we want our representatives to represent voters, then voters need to be the ones supporting them - and ONLY voters. Corporations and unions are not people, they do not get a vote, so they shouldn't be allowed to vote with their wallets either.

Official response from submitted

Thank you for your support Cheryl. Corporate interest in BC politics has left people feeling like their voices are not heard. British Columbians should be able to trust their government to put them - not special interests - first. This legislation is a big step towards restoring that trust!


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  • Kelsey Reid
    responded with submitted 2017-10-05 13:42:55 -0700
  • Cheryl Wiens
    tagged this with Important 2017-09-21 17:01:40 -0700
  • Cheryl Wiens
    tagged this with Good 2017-09-21 17:01:39 -0700
  • Cheryl Wiens
    published this page in Ban big money bill 2017-09-21 17:01:18 -0700
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