Benefit from the collective wisdom of the provincial and federal Green Parties who will walk you through the elements of a winning campaign, from voter engagement to "get out the vote" (GOTV). This course includes hands-on exercises, interactive presentations and "in-the-field" door canvassing. At the end of the day, you will have a concrete skill set for the most important elements of a campaign that can win.
The morning session will focus on:
- Campaign goals: voter identification and GOTV
- Volunteer management and building a core campaign team
- Voter engagement
In the afternoon, we will:
- Explore door canvassing and voter identification in detail
- Join federal Green Party candidate Paul Manly (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) door canvassing
Lunch is included in your conference fees. Please note that all workshops require a minimum of 20 participants.
Price for individual workshop: $95. Please call 1-888-476-3686 to register for individual workshops and conference events.
Paul Manly, Green Party Candidate for Nanaimo – Ladysmith, is a well-known filmmaker and small business owner. He produced films and research, such as his 2009 feature film ‘You Me and the SPP’, to raise public awareness about the negative impacts of investor-state provisions found in the North American Free... Full profile