Those individuals entitled to nominate, propose motions, and vote at a general meeting shall be only those Members who
a) were accepted as Members at least 30 days prior to the meeting; (2013 AGM will be on Saturday August 24)
b) are 14 years of age or older; and
c) are Members in good standing.
Resolutions must be submitted to [email protected] by 5:30 PM Tuesday July 16, 2013.
There are three different types of resolutions party members may submit:
Constitutional Amendments
Constitutional amendments are special resolutions and as such require an affirmative vote of 75 percent or greater of votes cast to pass. Substantial changes to the “purposes” section of the constitution may trigger a re-consideration of the Green Party Political Association of British Columbia’s status by the Society Branch.
Constitutional amendments may not be brought to the floor of a meeting.
Bylaw Amendments
Bylaw resolutions are special resolutions and as such require an affirmative vote of 75 percent or greater of votes cast to pass. The bylaws are the governing documents of the society and written notice of proposed changes must be sent to members prior to the AGM. Bylaw amendments may not be brought to the floor of a meeting.
Amendments to Policy or Structural Rules
Ordinary resolutions require an affirmative vote of 50 percent + 1 of the votes cast to pass. This category of resolutions seeks to modify or create internal or external policies that are not in the constitution or bylaws and may include such items as amendments to party policy or the structural rules. Ordinary resolutions can be proposed at any time in the lead up to or during the Annual General Meeting, although to make it into the AGM package, you must submit these by 5:30 PM Tuesday June 16, 2013. If time is limited at the AGM, preference will be given to those resolutions received in advance.
All policy resolutions will be reviewed by the Research and Policy team and they will recommend approval by the membership; approval with amendments; referral to the policy team for consideration at the 2014 AGM; or rejection of the resolution. Policy resolution criteria can be requested from the Policy Chair Roland Wahlgren by emailing [email protected]. All policy resolutions must be congruent with the 10 Green Principles.
When submitting a resolution for consideration, you should list the names of party members who support the resolution (recommended a minimum of five in addition to the author.)
Click to access the Green Party of BC bylaws and constitution