VICTORIA, B.C. – In response to today’s fiscal update Sonia Furstenau, leader of the BC Greens and MLA for Cowichan Valley has issued the following statement:
“This update shows us that the BC NDP government has had the means to meet the needs of British Columbians, but they have been failing on all fronts. For those who are struggling to pay their bills, cover the cost of groceries, find affordable housing, and access reliable healthcare, this budget surplus is an indication that the BC NDP government could have been doing more.
“The BC NDP should have been building community health centres, public transit, and non-market housing, investing in education, raising social assistance and disability rates.
“At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, this government talked about building back better. But we have seen the opposite. The BC NDP has had neither the courage nor the will to imagine a province in which all people’s needs are met, where the government delivers high quality health, education, and public services. Meanwhile, more and more people struggle in this province to simply make ends meet. This government has failed to present a hopeful vision for B.C., and failed to deliver on its own promise to make life more affordable for British Columbians.”
Media contact
JoJo Beattie
Press Secretary
B.C. Green Caucus
+1 250-882-6187 | [email protected]