BC Green Party Supports the Supreme Court decision on Bill 22

Media Statement
February 5nd, 2014

BC Green Party Supports the Supreme Court decision on Bill 22

The BC Green Party supports the Supreme Court decision that Bill 22 was unconstitutional, and regrets the BC Government’s decision to appeal this ruling. After nearly a decade before the courts, and two separate rulings outlining the unconstitutionality of stripping class size and composition from bargaining rights, it’s time we moved  forward. 

Education is the most important investment that we make for our future, and requires long term stability for the best results to be seen. We are not well served by the continuing political strife in BC education. It is time for the government to go back to the negotiating table without the looming presence of a court ruling preventing real progress on this issue.


Media Contact

 Adam Olsen, Interim Leader
[email protected]

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