Posted by
Benjamin Fairless · September 21, 2017 2:20 PM
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Thank you for your encouragement Benjamin!
Posted by
Joel Anderson · September 21, 2017 2:37 PM
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I'm amazed and grateful to see the government moving towards banning corporate and union donations from BC politics. I dream of seeing Canada as a place of justice and sustainable living. The recent political developments in BC amaze me and give me hope.
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Thank you for your feedback Joel! We are dedicated to making a democracy that works for BC residents!
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Cheryl Wiens · September 21, 2017 5:01 PM
4 reactions
I am so hopeful since the NDP/Green coalition was formed, a bill like this would never have been introduced if the Liberals were still in power. If we want our representatives to represent voters, then voters need to be the ones supporting them - and ONLY voters. Corporations and unions are not people, they do not get a vote, so they shouldn't be allowed to vote with their wallets either.
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Thank you for your support Cheryl. Corporate interest in BC politics has left people feeling like their voices are not heard. British Columbians should be able to trust their government to put them - not special interests - first. This legislation is a big step towards restoring that trust!
Posted by
Maureen Bradley · September 23, 2017 4:12 PM
7 reactions
Most middle and working class families cannot afford to donate $1200. This limit doesn't stop corporations from donating, it just makes them work harder--they can still parse out cash to board members, staff and their spouses so the money will add up, it'll just make them work a bit harder to exert their influence. But make no mistake, they will still try. Québec's limit is now $100 and they seemed able to run the last election perfectly fine. I would support a limit of $500 max. Make it realistic for average folk otherwise you are still giving the wealthiest 5% of the population an unfair ability to influence political outcomes.
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Posted by
Rose Dunn · September 24, 2017 12:38 PM
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The 1200 limit per year is a joke, as it will not stop the big money from coming in, it just means that union, corporation, and special interest group with deep pockets are going to be creative in working around the loopholes. There is a reason why Quebec has such a low annual contribution (100 per year).If the Green and NDP are serious about taking big money out of BC's politics, then they should look at Quebec, and Ontario for guidance. It's about time that politicians are held accountable for their actions. With the numerous amount of free advertisement tools( Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Instagram, etc., politicians if they are amiable and let their actions speak for themselves -should have no problems with funding their campaigns. It's the prevalence of a lack of integrity among politicians that is responsible for a vast majority of problems in our political system. It's time we reward politicians based on their performances. Speaking of performance and accountability, taxpayers should not be responsible for footing Mr. Hogan legal bills. Thanks For reading !! R.A
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Posted by
annette witteman · October 02, 2017 3:46 PM
3 reactions
A perfect solution to Corporate based parties- thanks for this ground breaking and world changing move- We will see the eco-effect across Canada and the Globe!!!
Cheers to the People!