$1200 is way too much. I do not know anyone who would donate $1200 to a political party. How about moving soon to $100 as in Quebec. Needs some careful safeguards so bosses can't send their employees off with a pocketful of cash to be donated to the required party.
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Deraek Menard · September 21, 2017 1:32 PM
5 reactions
It's long overdue and I'm ecstatic that the greens and NDP could reach an agreement and finally take power from the criminal Liberals we had running the province. This will make for less corruption in every party to run the province. I want a government run for the people, not the money.
Official response
Thank you Derek! We appreciate your feedback and I agree! A government for the people, not the money.
I agree with them all. It's been out of control and unbalanced. This will help. The last thing we need is to end up the like US where only the rich have any influence. Overall total spending for elections should be much lower. People don't vote for someone because of lawn signs. Have more media interviews and debates, less travelling to each community. Make it so ALL major parties (including the Greens) are on a more equal level of spending for elections. Thank you, Green Party!
Official response
Thank you Merina! We appreciate your feedback.
Posted by
Cheryl Wiens · September 21, 2017 5:01 PM
4 reactions
I am so hopeful since the NDP/Green coalition was formed, a bill like this would never have been introduced if the Liberals were still in power. If we want our representatives to represent voters, then voters need to be the ones supporting them - and ONLY voters. Corporations and unions are not people, they do not get a vote, so they shouldn't be allowed to vote with their wallets either.
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Thank you for your support Cheryl. Corporate interest in BC politics has left people feeling like their voices are not heard. British Columbians should be able to trust their government to put them - not special interests - first. This legislation is a big step towards restoring that trust!
Posted by
Bruce Pond · September 21, 2017 6:05 PM
3 reactions
I am a very senior activist who is saddened that we , my generation, were not able to prevent the workplace and the Political Losses . However it is a monumental challenge to fight the Corporate Logic when so many of our class has succumbed to the Aberration of the principle of Corporate Greed, earn more than your share of the Economy through our shares, and do less to receive this" .
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Thank you for your feedback Bruce!
Posted by
Maureen Bradley · September 23, 2017 4:12 PM
7 reactions
Most middle and working class families cannot afford to donate $1200. This limit doesn't stop corporations from donating, it just makes them work harder--they can still parse out cash to board members, staff and their spouses so the money will add up, it'll just make them work a bit harder to exert their influence. But make no mistake, they will still try. Québec's limit is now $100 and they seemed able to run the last election perfectly fine. I would support a limit of $500 max. Make it realistic for average folk otherwise you are still giving the wealthiest 5% of the population an unfair ability to influence political outcomes.
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Wayne Froese · September 21, 2017 1:25 PM
4 reactions
In addition to the ban-items, I particularly like the item the NDP credited as being "Green influence" : a five-year transition for public subsidies to BC political parties - $2.50 per vote received in most recent election (sliding down to $1.50 in the 2022 review year). This not only alleviates the transition out of the Big Money era, it also greatly levels the playing field. Seeing a subsidy reflect popular vote, is precisely what we all hope to see in actual voting with Pro-Rep. What the BC Greens can't do with 17% of party funding!!
Official response
Thank you for your feedback and support Wayne. Getting big money out of politics is a huge step for democracy in BC!
Posted by
David Huntley · September 21, 2017 10:26 PM
2 reactions
Campaign contributions should be limited to voters only, and to an amount that just about anyone can afford, perhaps $50. This could be supplemented by a multiple of the amount from the public purse. If the multiplier was three, then a $50 donation would be supplemented by $150, making a total of $400. A mechanism would be needed to permit someone who could not afford even $50 to donate, perhaps through the tax system.
The tax deductions on the income tax return should be eliminated. By the way with the present system if a poor person contributes $100 it actually costs them $100, whereas the cost to a rich person is $25; this is seriously unfair.
Political parties are not mentioned in the constitution. Thus government funding should not go to parties, as in the per vote subsidy proposed. Only to individual candidates as per the above. Parties will not like that, but will have to work something out.