B.C. Green Caucus: Government irresponsible, willful ignorance of fracking risks

March 06, 2019

VICTORIA, B.C. — In their 2017 election platform the NDP promised a scientific review of fracking happening in our province. Last week, a draft version of the 200-page technical report from the independent panel was leaked to the press. The report highlighted the fact that we have very little understanding on the health risks or the environmental impacts the industry is having.

“The B.C. Green Caucus believes in evidence-based policy and decision making, and government may be putting British Columbians at risk by allowing this practice to continue without understanding the dangers,” said MLA Sonia Furstenau, spokesperson for the environment. “The lack of data on groundwater or surface water use, the lack of planning for wastewater storage, the blatant disregard for government regulations, and the increasing number of seismic events associated with horizontal fracking all point towards the need for a more cautious approach.

“More than 85 percent of B.C.’s natural-gas production now comes from unconventional sources. This report highlights that we don’t know the risks, and we don’t know the scale of impacts now. What will happen with an expected expansion to feed the LNG industry? We do know that we are using large amounts of B.C.’s freshwater daily and rendering it toxic, that we are causing more and more seismic events that could risk public infrastructure, and that we are transforming the landscape.

“British Columbians need to have trust that their government is looking out for their long-term interests, not barreling ahead with their LNG plans and ignoring the risks.                                       

“B.C. Green Caucus will continue to ask these questions and oppose LNG. Government says it advocates for the environment and for the well-being of British Columbians. Let’s see if they will follow through on this promise on all policy fronts.”


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