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There are currently six open Provincial Council positions for 2021-2023 (2-year term) which include:
- Vice-Chair (1 position)
- Secretary (1 position)
- Councillor-at-large (1 position)
- Regional Councillor-at-Large - Lower Mainland (1 position)
- Regional Councillor-at-Large - North (1 position)
- Regional Councillor-at-Large - Vancouver Island & Sunshine Coast (1 position)
There is one open Ombud position for 2021-2023 (2-year term) is:
- Ombud (1 position) - As per our Bylaws, only applications from those identifying as female or non-binary will be accepted for this Ombud position as the currently filled Ombud position is held by a male.
You can learn more here about the available positions.
Please click here to meet the candidates.
Online voting starts on Tuesday, November 9 at 9 am and closes on Monday, November 22 at 6 pm.
If you need any assistance with your voting, please email [email protected].
Voting for the 2021 AGM will end on Monday, November 22 at 6 pm.
As members will have the opportunity to submit questions before and during the pre-AGM information sessions, no time will be allotted for questions at the AGM.
If you are unable to access the Annual Report, which is a member's only webpage, please email [email protected].
Voting is online starting on Tuesday, November 9 at 9 am and ending on Monday, November 22 at 6 pm and the results will be shared at the Annual General Meeting. Additionally, the vote counts will be accessible by members on the Annual Report page. As such, no voting will happen at the AGM.
If you are a member needing assistance to access the Annual Report page, please email [email protected].
The 2020-2021 Annual Report is only accessible by members. On Tuesday, October 19 you should have received an email from Jeremy Valariote with the webpage link. If you are unable to find the webpage link, please email [email protected].
If between Tuesday, November 9th at 9 am and Monday, November 22nd at 6 pm your voting credentials aren't working, please email [email protected] for assistance.
As per our Party's By-laws, the deadline to become a new member was September 24, 2021, which is 60-days before our AGM.