Advisory: B.C. Green Party to hold nomination meeting for Nanaimo by-election this Saturday

NANAIMO B.C. – The B.C. Green Party will select its candidate for the upcoming Nanaimo by-election at a nomination meeting in Nanaimo this Saturday.

WHEN: Sat. Dec. 15 from 1:30 - 5:00 PM

WHERE: Beban Park Social Centre, Rooms 1 & 2 – 2300 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo

Two contestants are seeking the nomination: Michele Ney and Duane Nickull. Party leader Andrew Weaver will be in attendance and speak about the significance of the by-election.


1:30 - 2:30 PM

Meet and greet with contestants

2:30 - 2:50 PM

Speeches (Leader Andrew Weaver, special guests and contestants)

2:50 - 3:15 PM

Q&A with contestants

3:15 - 3:45 PM

In-person voting

Approx. 4:30 PM

Nomination results and speeches

Party members in the riding of Nanaimo will be able to vote online for the 24 hours leading up to the nomination meeting and in-person at the nomination meeting. Additional information on the nomination contest can be found on the B.C. Green Party website.

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Michele Ney

Duane Nickull

Media contacts

For B.C. Green Party
+1 778-650-0597
[email protected]


For Michele Ney
Ian Gartshore
+1 250-713-9809
[email protected]


For Duane Nickull

Duane Nickull
+1 604-726-3329
[email protected]


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