Party structure

The BC Green Party is the political organization responsible for electing its members to the legislature. We do this by advocating for action on important issues, holding community events, communicating our message to voters, and fundraising. 

All of that work is performed by a small staff and hundreds of volunteers. A governing body called "Provincial Council" (similar to a board of directors) oversees the rules by which the party operates. Provincial councillors are elected from the party membership for two-year terms.

Youth are an important part of our society, and our party ensures they have an important role in our work. Members aged 16 to 25 elect a Youth Council, which coordinates the party's outreach to younger demographics. Membership for youth aged 16-25 is free.

Once elected to the legislature, our members work together as a group (a "caucus") to advance our vision for BC. A separate staff employed by the caucus supports their work directly in the legislature.

BC Green Caucus  Provincial Council  Youth Council

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