Provincial Council is the elected volunteer body responsible for the governance of the BC Green Party. It provides broad strategic direction and high-level goals for the Party and provides oversight of party operations and finances. It is a critical role for the healthy operation of our party and its success in the legislature and in elections.
Provincial Councillors, including Regional Representatives, serve all members of the party and are responsible for the governance of the party. Provincial Councillors do not have operational or organizing roles. Members serving as Provincial Councillors may volunteer for the party in other capacities that have operational or organizing roles, but that is not within their responsibility area as Provincial Councillors.
Provincial Council Members have a duty of care to the party which encompasses five responsibilities:
Ensure mission impact
Provincial Council is responsible for ensuring the Party has a clear mission i.e. to elect MLAs, and those party operations are directed in support of this. -
Support the Executive Director
Provincial Council is responsible for ensuring effective senior leadership of the Party -
Protect and steward the organization’s assets
Provincial Council is responsible for financial and non-financial oversight and ensuring that risks are mitigated. -
Ensure sustainable resources
Provincial Council is responsible for ensuring that the Party has sufficient resources to carry out its mission -
Ambassadors for the party
Provincial Council members are responsible for ensuring that the mission and message of the BC Greens is widely and consistently shared.
Provincial Council members include:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Two Councillors-at-Large
- Youth Councillor-at-Large
- Six Regional Representatives:
Councillors-at-Large and Regional Representatives share the same roles and responsibilities but are elected differently. Councillor-at-Large is elected by all members of the party, while Regional Representatives are elected by the members in their region. This ensures that at least one Provincial Councillor comes from each of the geographic areas of our province.
Per party bylaw 6.2, all council positions are elected for two-year terms, where the positions of Chair, Treasurer, and one Councillor-at-Large are elected in even-numbered years; and Vice-chair, Secretary, and one Councillor-at-Large are elected in odd-numbered years.
Regions for Regional Representatives
Regional boundaries are determined by their constituent ridings:
Fraser Valley-Surrey
Lower Mainland
Vancouver Island & Sunshine Coast