As per the BC Green Party’s bylaws, all members may vote for the Councillor-at-Large.
I'm a long-time green voter, but I'm relatively new as a face among the community. Nice to meet you!
The Green Party has appealed to me for longer than I've been old enough to vote, and maybe that's why I've always felt too young to really make a difference. I've recently noticed that I'm 40, and I'm surprised to find that I have a decent amount of relevant experience in the role of director, and more than a passing familiarity with the BC Societies Act. Combined with my assorted life experience and ability to work with people across socio-political backgrounds, I seemed like the kind of person I wanted in the role.
If you'll allow the honour, I'd love a chance to put my experience to work for you, help maintain the legacy of the Green party, and make it an example for the other parties going forward.