[STATEMENT] UN International Day for the Elimination of Discrimination

Today, on UN International Day for the Elimination of Discrimination, the B.C. Green Party recommits itself to the 2015 theme of “learning from historical tragedies to combat racial discrimination today.” We know that the root causes of racism, racial discrimination and bigotry remain key social challenges in our province, country and world. One of the six core principles of the B.C. Green Party is respect for diversity. We continue to reach out to individuals, groups and other organizations to advance the goals of equity, equality and social justice so that racism and other forms of discrimination can be eliminated from all levels of society.
“I have been deeply affected by discrimination and I am saddened that it persists in our modern society,” said Adam Olsen, Interim Leader of the B.C. Green Party and a member of the Tsartlip First Nation. “We face incredible challenges in the fight overcome our racial differences and work together. I hope that this day serves to remind us all of our commitment to end discrimination in all its forms.”

The BC Green Party recognizes that “learning from historical practices” is particularly poignant for British Columbia’s Aboriginal and First Peoples. Aboriginal men and women in B.C. have deeply suffered from discrimination and racism, particularly at the hands of past government policies and practices. The B.C. Green Party is committed to furthering reconciliation, upholding and honouring human rights, respect for racial and cultural diversity and human dignity as core values that inform and enlighten political discourse across British Columbia.  
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