
In my early teens, I spent some time on the Queen Charlotte Islands, prior to them having been raped and pillaged by the logging companies. My memories are of the silence in the forests and the smells of the moss and trees. The ground and fallen trees and were covered in a thick layer of moss, such that all sound was muffled to the extend that it was difficult to hear a person speaking from a short distance away. The forest it's self is a thing of beauty that really has to be seen to be appreciated.


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  • Peter Koughan
    commented 2019-05-20 08:46:31 -0700
    Correction: not “extend” but “extent”.
  • Julia Madison
    commented 2019-05-20 08:38:36 -0700
    Yes..I too love the moss muffled silence in the deep forest..occasionally broken by a little wren chattering.
  • Peter Koughan
    published this page in Tell us why this matters 2019-05-19 13:30:07 -0700
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